Do you know of someone who has great will power? Do you ever wish you could borrow some of their self-control when you need to resist a tempting cookie or
Most self-help gurus will tell you that if you want to motivate yourself to do something focus on all the benefits you’ll gain from taking action. However, if you’re procrastinating
There’s a whole area of study in psychology called priming. It’s the study of how things that are often outside our awareness can influence our behavior without our knowing it.
Past research has shown that having loved ones present or holding your hand can reduce pain. In a recent study, they wanted to know if a simple photograph of a
Researchers wanted to know the answer to this question. So they brought together a diverse group of 52 adults in committed relationships. Half of this group was instructed to kiss
Would you like to know a simple trick that can allow you to perform better in just a few seconds?
The answer has to do with stereotypes.
In one study researchers Jochim
Did you know that there is a critical mindset that’s proven to make you more successful? I’ll tell you exactly what it is today and how to develop this mindset.
Did you know that you can relieve stress in minutes merely by viewing a short video?
A report in the Journal of Environmental Psychology shows how.
Researchers got 120 college students and
A lot of research suggest that thinking about positive events in your life can make you happier. And that the effect of these kinds of gratitude exercises diminishes if done
Would you like to know how to increase your persistence in just a few seconds?
Research done by Ronald Friedman and Andrew Elliot at the University of Rochester shows how.
They asked